Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My mom called to correct me on my grammar yesterday after she saw the blog. I told her that I know what the proper spelling of The Russes is, but because most people try to find ways to avoid it or completely flub it up, I thought it was an appropriate title for our blog. So, I'm guessing it's not that funny.


olivia and henry said...

this is SO funny! i have always struggled with this scenario! so what is it for y'all? is it Russes or do you just say the Russ?
we just say "the Iles"
although our issue stems more from people spelling our name Isles ;)
y'all are funny. and what a great picture of the 4 of you!

PJRobb said...

I think it is very funny...and I like your new design.

Pen the Tale said...

I think it is very clever. Sign us up under that same connundrum.