Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Kate and AJ!

Kate and AJ turned 3 on Saturday, and we were able to have a family party that night. For months, Kate has been saying she wants a princess watch for her birthday. One day as Mike was going to work in China, she asked him why he had to leave. He told her, "So I can buy you a watch for your birthday." After that she thought that was the solitary reason he went to work. This is Kate after she finally got her princess watch. AJ's excitement over Cars(two of which he already had, but that didn't keep him from being excited). These hats are the same ones they've had each year since they turned one. They came with stickers that you change out each year. Sadly, three was the last number provided, but I will try to come up with cute ones for the upcoming years. Oh, how we love our kids! AJ's handlebar moustache and gangsta party hat. Kate in her new Tinkerbell costume. The Turtle Hat was rediscovered tonight, so they both got into the act.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad y'all are back in the states to celebrate their birthday. I can't believe Kate & AJ are already 3. It seems like just yesterday they were 2 and ya'll were living in China....oh wait. - Allie Melbert

olivia and henry said...

happy birthday, kate and aj! and welcome home. we'd love to see y'all soon, and hear all about china!
the iles